Each year, in the weeks leading up to April 22 (Earth Day) people across the U.S and the world join together to encourage action and participation in initiatives that focus on the urgent need for environmental justice, sustainability, and climate solutions. In this moment in our country’s history we are experiencing three great overlapping challenges: a pandemic sparking an economic downturn causing more families to go hungry, racial injustice awareness rising, and the climate crisis worsening. We have an opportunity to address all of these issues with one focus – our food practices. Food is the place where each of us intersects daily with God’s gifts of sun, water, soil and microbial magic. We have a sacred duty to be stewards of the Earth that supports all life, for all God’s creatures and for future generations. Supporting food justice, reversing climate change, and protecting God’s gifts of clean air and water are central to this duty.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
NIV Genesis 2:15
Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
NIV Matthew 25:37
This week around Earth Day, we are going to start exploring how our food systems and practices contribute to injustice and to climate change. The Earth Care team invites you to join us in the following during Faith Climate Action Week (April 19-25):
- Register for a free home viewing of the film Kiss the Ground. Kiss the Ground is a new film about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. This film explains why transitioning to regenerative agriculture could be key in rehabilitating the planet, while simultaneously invigorating a new sense of hope and inspiration in viewers. Watch the trailer and register to view the film here. Watch it with your family anytime between April 10 - 25.
- Join us for a Zoom discussion about the movie "Kiss the Ground" Monday, April 19 at 6:30 with guest panelist from Ollin Farm - Project 95. They are joining us to share about regenerative farming here in Boulder County. Register to receive your link to the Zoom discussion here.
- Join us for one of our small group field trips to visit our neighbor store Simply Bulk Market (right across the street from CENTRALongmont). Learn why buying in bulk is good for you and the planet. Receive a $5 coupon to use at the store to start you on your buying in bulk journey. Multiple times available April 19 - 23. Email Jennifer if you are interested in joining us or sign up for one of the time slots here!
- Commit to growing an extra row or two in your home garden to share with the food insecure for our new Giving Gardens initiative, or support the new congregational Giving Garden.
- Join us for a special Earth Care worship service on Sunday, April 25.