At central longmont ...

Our purpose is simple: to know Jesus and to bless our community.  It's foundational to everything else we do.  It means taking Jesus at his word and doing our best to live accordingly.

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It's tough stuff. We're far from perfect in doing it. But we hang on to how Jesus summed it all up: Love God, love others, love yourself.

Today we Christians seem to be best known for our worst behavior--judging, criticizing, arguing, splintering. We here at Central Longmont are a diverse group, running the demographic gamut from young to old, the ideological spectrum from seriously conservative to seriously liberal. We don't agree on everything. But we do agree--no, we commit--to live and work and worship together as part of our witness to the community outside our doors, that followers of Jesus can share a diversity of viewpoints yet still love and accept one another. We've chosen to do our best to leave partisan bickering behind to focus instead on loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves.  

It's why the banner hanging outside the front of our church says, "Whoever you are, wherever you are in your faith journey, we'll come alongside worship, to learn, to join hands in working in the community."