our leadership team

The staff and leadership here at Central Longmont is comprised of men and women who love, 

care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, 

feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. 

You can contact the church office at info@centralongmont.net


david barker - pastor

David was raised in the Presbyterian church and left as soon as he could. Years of taking wrong turns followed, not to mention 15 years as a professor of communication. But the prodigal returned, having experienced in his own life that Jesus Christ is the best hope for a broken world. David served a congregation in Texas before coming to Central and life in the Rockies. He has degrees from the University of Texas and Austin Seminary; he loves the mountains, reading, music, and—as proof we live by faith and not by sight—the Chicago Cubs. He’s married to wife Terry and has two children.


laura mcgee - office administrator

Laura grew up in Ohio and came to Colorado in 1980. She has lived all over Boulder County, moving eventually to Longmont in 2013 with her identical twin sister. She has two adult children, and three grandchildren who are the joy of her life. Laura has many years of experience in administrative support, and a general willingness to find a way to accomplish whatever needs to be done. She enjoys hiking with her big brown dog, camping, reading and cooking, and is a huge fan of all things Disney.


lee smoot - director of music & relational ministry

Lee was born and raised in North Carolina but has called Colorado home for many years. She has been on staff at Central Longmont for almost 30 years as Director of Music and more recently as Director of Relational Ministries. While she has loved leading and creating music along the way, she has also truly enjoyed strengthening the relationships with the people of CENTRALongmont. Lee is also the Director of the St. Vrain Singers, a community choir for children and youth in the St. Vrain Valley. Lee and her husband, Greg, enjoy spending time together and are adjusting to life with their daughter, Madeline, away at college.


jennifer haratsaris - director of mission & outreach

Jennifer grew up in a variety of Midwest communities in Illinois and Iowa, but has called Colorado home for the last twenty-two years. She has been a member of Central Longmont almost just as long!

She previously worked in various roles for several software organizations.  Jennifer enjoys all things Colorado and spending time with her family.


brad culp - treasurer

Brad grew up in Utah and Virginia, but Northern Colorado has been his home for the past 40 years.  He retired after a 34-year career as a product development engineer for Hewlett Packard.  Brad served 20 years as church treasurer at Family of Christ in Greeley, CO.  He currently serves as Treasurer of both our denomination's local Presbytery and regional Synod.  Brad moved to Longmont and joined Central Longmont upon marrying his wife Anne.  Brad enjoys the outdoors through sightseeing, hiking, biking, and snowshoeing.  He stays busy furthering his education as a CSU Global student.  


John Watkin - Ministry Assistant

A fourth-generation Nazarene minister, John grew up primarily in Southern California and is a lifetime LA Dodgers fan.  He has degrees from Pasadena College (now Point Loma Nazarene University) and Nazarene Theological Seminary.  Although most of his 45 years in full-time ministry was served in California, he also served in Oregon, Missouri, Idaho and Washington.  John and Terry have 5 children and 8 grandchildren.  His passion is photography, and he calls Rocky Mountain National Park his “God Place.”


Session (Elders)

The Session is made up of individuals (Elders) elected by the congregation.  Collectively, the Session has responsibility for oversight for most of Central Longmont's current work and visioning for the future. Individual Elders help provide leadership for specific ministries within the church.


Lisa Bechard (Facilities) | Clayt Evans (Safety) | Donna Ferrey

Kurt Knoernschild (Worship) | Dick Padgett | Toni Pickett (Admin/Personnel)  

Lex Sheets (Finance) | Donna Weaver (Clerk of Session)

For information on contacting an Elder, see the Resources page.

Diaconate (Deacons)

The purpose of the Deacons at Central Longmont is to provide prayer, love, support and pastoral care to members of our church family. Individuals are elected to the Diaconate by the congregation, ordained and serve a three-year term. The duties of the Diaconate include:

  • Visiting our Friends at Home
  • Taking Communion to those who cannot participate in Sunday worship
  • Visiting those in hospital or other care facilities
  • Providing or finding transportation to church for those needing rides
  • Providing or finding meals for members in times of need
  • Sending cards to members during difficult times, or times of special celebrations
  • Providing prayer and support to members who have suffered loss of a loved one
  • Praying daily for members of the church with prayer requests
  • Managing and facilitating The Mercy Fund, for congregants in need
  • Managing the CENTRALongmont Service Bank

For information on receiving pastoral care, 

please call the church office at 303-776-6833

or e-mail: info@centralongmont.net.

Bonnie Allen |Carl Brown | Eve Bruce | Susan Fey

David Hoffmaster | Holly Lehnert | Heather Lundquist

John Shetter | Laura Sullivan

For information on contacting a Deacon, see the Resources page.