Session (Elders)
The Session is made up of
individuals (Elders) elected by the congregation. Collectively, the
Session has responsibility for oversight for most of Central Longmont's current
work and visioning for the future. Individual Elders help provide
leadership for specific ministries within the church.
Lisa Bechard (Facilities) | Clayt Evans (Safety) | Donna Ferrey
Kurt Knoernschild (Worship) | Dick Padgett | Toni Pickett (Admin/Personnel)
Lex Sheets (Finance) | Donna Weaver (Clerk of Session)
For information on contacting an Elder, see the Resources page.
Diaconate (Deacons)
The purpose of the Deacons
at Central Longmont is to provide prayer, love, support and pastoral care to
members of our church family. Individuals are elected to the Diaconate by the
congregation, ordained and serve a three-year term. The duties of the Diaconate
- Visiting
our Friends at Home
- Taking
Communion to those who cannot participate in Sunday worship
- Visiting
those in hospital or other care facilities
- Providing
or finding transportation to church for those needing rides
- Providing
or finding meals for members in times of need
- Sending
cards to members during difficult times, or times of special celebrations
- Providing
prayer and support to members who have suffered loss of a loved one
- Praying
daily for members of the church with prayer requests
- Managing
and facilitating The Mercy Fund, for congregants in need
- Managing
the CENTRALongmont Service Bank
For information on
receiving pastoral care,
please call the church office at 303-776-6833
or e-mail:
Bonnie Allen |Carl Brown | Eve Bruce | Susan Fey
David Hoffmaster | Holly Lehnert | Heather Lundquist
John Shetter | Laura Sullivan
For information on contacting a Deacon, see the Resources page.