Purpose and Core Values

Our Purpose--what we do--and our Core Values--

how we do it--give definition to all our work, worship, and witness.



This means many things, but most importantly it means this:  Knowing about Jesus is good; knowing Jesus is far better.  The first is head knowledge, which results in more information; the second is heart knowledge, and results in transformation.  It also results in action.  Action is important because we believe that growth in a relationship with Jesus should always be in service to something bigger than ourselves.


Which brings us to blessing our community.  Too often, it seems, Christianity focuses on the individual -- individual salvation, individual growth -- or on the church -- increasing membership, building bigger buildings.  Those are (or can be) important.  But we believe more important still, is putting our faith to work to make our community a better place for everyone.

Our Core Values:

          Shalom...we work for wholeness, peace, and justice for all people
          Compassion...we extend mercy and understanding to all people
          Grace...we forgive as God forgives us
          Integrity...we live what we profess to believe
          Community...we're responsible for more than our own lives

Our Presbyterian Affiliation

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States.  Our roots are in the so-called Reformed Tradition which means that we believe in a sovereign God…a God with the power to change lives, to give and love freely…a God Who has authority over the whole world.  

  • We believe that, in Jesus Christ, we see both the perfect love of God and what perfect humanity looks like. 
  • We believe God wants to be in relationship with us, that Jesus is the way to that relationship, and that we receive it by grace through faith.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit is at work in us and in the world, calling us to and sustaining us for the work of the Kingdom. 
  • We believe that the church belongs to Jesus Christ, and that one person should not make decisions for the whole church. So the authority in the church is not held by the pastor—most of it is in the hands of the congregation, working together.

We believe many of life’s questions don’t have easy answers. God gave us minds and expects us to use them. So we engage with Scripture as God’s word and guide for life, always reading one part of Scripture in conversation with Scripture as a whole.   

BHAG: Big Holy audacious goal

Every person in our community will experience the enrichment that God desires for creation.



Vivid Description of our Envisioned Future


It is a crisp and sunny fall day and the meeting room is humming with excitement, is buzzing with activity, and is bursting at the seams.  Members, friends, and community partners of Central Longmont are having their annual gathering to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year and set goals for the next.  So much of our vision has been achieved, and yet, there is still much to be done.


In our community kids can safely walk to school together and play until dark in the local park.  Moms and Dads sit on porches in front of their warm and inviting homes after a day of fulfilling work and speak to their neighbors by name on their evening strolls. Monthly block parties are a patchwork quilt of backgrounds, ages, religions, skin colors, and languages.  Much of the delicious and healthy food was grown in neighborhood gardens.  There is plenty to eat, everyone can afford to bring a dish for sharing, and the leftovers will be shared with others.


Our kids speak several languages fluently, and high school students have decided that next year they are going to offer to teach classes for older adults. All of our kids are in great schools and are excited about their possibilities and opportunities for the future. The wise elders in our community are regularly in our school classrooms to share stories about our history and heritage as a community.  Everyone knows each other’s name.


Next year we will have to find a larger meeting space! There is excitement about the future.  There are many ideas and projects, and many hands to do them. 


People in our community have come to embrace, live, and be enriched by their unique God-given gifts and are eager to share them with others. The attitude of Ubuntu is understood and practiced.


The Holy Spirit is present!