Sunday worship

Worship - 9:15 am

Fellowship - 10:15 am

Adult Christian Ed - 10:45 (Sep - May)

Some churches measure growth in terms of membership.  We measure growth in terms of changed lives.  We want you to be invested in ministry that transforms your life, because that is what following Jesus is about.  And as you're transformed, our community is transformed.

Whether you are ready to roll up your sleeves and get to it, or just need to go slow while you figure out this following Jesus stuff, we have a place for you--whatever your age, whatever your profile.  

We are a community where children have fun while learning they can trust a God who loves and accepts them just as they are.

Here, youth will discover this is a safe place, and a safe group of people, to ask questions.

At Central Longmont, adults discover that a life spent knowing Jesus is better than a life spent knowing about Jesus.

And all of us, together in Christ, discover we can do and be more than we ever imagined.

Central Longmont worships on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am followed by a time of Fellowship.   Our service has many traditional elements and includes the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month, and during special seasons.  Members of all ages participate in the liturgy.

Blessed with an exceptional choir and music staff, Central Longmont's worship includes music of all kinds, from classical to spirituals to contemporary.  The church has adopted the Presbyterian hymnal, Glory to God.  Music from historic Christian hymns to traditional music from around the world are also woven into our shared worship life.

We encourage families to worship together and children of all ages are welcome!