laudato si' and laudate deum

From Laudato Si' Movement (

Laudato Si’ is an encyclical of Pope Francis published in May 2015. It focuses on care for the natural environment and all people, as well as broader questions of the relationship between God, humans, and the Earth. The encyclical’s subtitle, “Care for Our Common Home,” reinforces these key themes.

An encyclical is a public letter from the Pope developing Catholic teaching on a topic often in light of current events. Laudato Si’ is addressed to “every living person on this planet” (LS 3). Hence, it is offered as part of an ongoing dialogue within the Catholic Church and between Catholics and the wider world.

The first words of Laudato Si’ are Italian and translate as “praise be to you.” They are part of a quotation from St. Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Creatures” that opens the encyclical in which the saint praises God by meditating on the goodness of sun, wind, Earth, water, and other natural forces.

The choice of this passage to begin Laudato Si’ is a reminder of how people of faith should not only respect the Earth but also praise and honor God through their engagement with creation.

On October 4, 2023, Pope Francis published a follow-up exhortation called Laudate Deum.  To read both documents, please click below.

Laudato Si'     Laudate Deum