For information about our re-opening, please click here.
Until then . . .the church office is operating on a limited schedule. Staff is spending more time in the office, but also still working part of their week at home. Please call (303-776-6833) or e-mail rather than come to the office in person. If you do need to come in person, please call first to make sure someone will be there. And please wear a mask when in the building. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this unprecedented time.
We're providing an online pre-recorded video worship service, which will be available on our CENTRALongmont YouTube channel every Saturday evening at 4:00 pm. You can subscribe to the channel by clicking on the red SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right hand corner of the YouTube page; doing so will allow you to elect to receive a notification when new content is available. We will also send out a link to the individual video service each week. Our mobile app also facilitates easy access to the Sunday service on YouTube. We have recently added our worship services to our Facebook page as well. Choose whichever works best for you.
In order to receive the latest, up to date information on church news and events, please subscribe to our church newsletters here.
Members and regular attendees should receive a phone call from an Elder, Deacon, or Staff member to see how you're doing. If you have not, please contact the church office and let us know.
Your continued financial support remains very important. We strongly urge you to pay your pledge/tithe via the donation portal on the website. You can also mail your pledge/tithe or drop it by the church, placing it through the mail slot to the left of the exterior lobby doors.
Thank you. We miss seeing you.