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Annual reports
Central Longmont places orders for coffee from Café Justo every month. Click here to learn more and to order your own coffee.
Faithful servant investment board (fsib)
The purpose of the FSIB is to encourage and secure special gifts and bequests that may provide for current and future needs of CPC which would not be met under the annual operating budget. These funds are to be used exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes.
mercy fund
The Mercy Fund is a ministry of Central’s Board of Deacons. Its purpose is to show God’s love to our church family in times of personal crisis or hardship, through direct provision of basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and transportation. Download the Application here.
notary public
Are you a Central congregant with a document to be notarized? Bring it with your photo ID to the office. Laura McGee will notarize it for you at no charge. Please call the office before coming in to be sure she is in.
frequently Requested Policies & forms
Support our community and celebrate joy in prayer for others.
presbytery & pcusa
Faithful Servant Fund financial assistance for new and existing college students and adults continuing their education along with the Maxine Winter Music Scholarship for those seeking to further their music studies. These scholarships are now accepting applications. Click on the highlighted text to download the specific application. The deadline to submit applications is April 4, 2025.
seasonal flowers
Spring Flowers (Easter)
Poinsettias (Christmas)
Zoom - Central Longmont has a Zoom license available. Contact Laura to reserve time on the account
and receive the host credentials.